Page 39 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 39


                   As the following pages will show, Social Darwinism sought,
              to apply to societies the theory of evolution—itself based on

              Charles Darwin's rather backward scientific understanding—but
              its world view is in total conflict with human nature. When put
              into practice, it belittles humanity and drags it back towards de-
              pression and chaos, bringing hatred that leads to conflict, warfare,
              and murder. Social Darwinism reached its peak during the second
              half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, but its adverse
              effects can still be seen in the present day. Under such names as
              “evolutionary psychology” and “genetic determinism,” attempts
              are still being made to evaluate societies according to the errors of
              Darwinism. In order to protect the 21st century from further cata-
              strophes, the dangers of Social Darwinism must be revealed in all
              their aspects, and the world must be told that there is no scientific
              evidence for the theory on which this philosophy is based.
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