Page 42 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 42
flict nothing but tears and suffering on a society's future.
Malthus had a number of other illogical recommendations.
For example, he suggested that all possible measures should be
taken to prevent poor or laboring-class couples from having
children. Malthus's views reached a peak in 1834 with a new law
passed in England setting up special “workhouses” for the poor.
Under that law, married couples in workhouses were kept apart
by means of fixed rules to reduce the rise in population.
One of the factors underlying these measures was the long-
standing fear that the rapidly rising numbers of the “lower
classes” would eventually overwhelm more civilized individu-
als. That fear is groundless, of course, and the product of a grave
deception. First, it is out of the question for an individual to
enjoy superiority over anyone else because of his material sta-
tus, social position, language, race or gender. God has created all
human beings equal. What makes people valuable is the moral
Thomas Robert
The Social Weapon: Darwinism