Page 217 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 217
And they repudiated them wrongly and haughtily, in spite of their
own certainty about them. See the final fate of the corrupters.
(Qur'an, 27:14)
When they are told to prostrate to the All-Merciful, they say, 'And
what is the All-Merciful? Are we to prostrate to something you
command us to?' And it merely makes them run away all the more.
(Qur'an, 25:60)
But as for those who reject Our Signs and are arrogant regarding
them, they are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it
timelessly, for ever. (Qur'an, 7:36)
The ruling circle of those of his people who were arrogant said to
those who were oppressed–those among them who believed–'Do
you know that Salih has been sent from his Lord?' They said, 'We
believe in what he has been sent with.' Those who were arrogant
said, 'We reject Him in Whom you believe.' (Qur'an, 7:75-76)
The Messiah would never disdain to be a servant to Allah nor
would the angels near to Him. If any do disdain to worship Him,
and grow arrogant, He will in any case gather them all to Him.
(Qur'an, 4:172)
Those who do not expect to meet Us say, 'Why have angels not
been sent down to us? Why do we not see our Lord?' They have
become arrogant about themselves and are excessively insolent.
(Qur'an, 25:21)
Who hears the Signs of Allah recited to him and then persists in
his arrogance just as if he had never heard them.Give him the
news of a painful punishment. (Qur'an, 45:8)
When Our Signs are recited to them—Clear Signs—you can detect
denial in the faces of those who do not believe. They all but assault
those who recite Our Signs to them! Say: 'Shall I inform you of
something worse than that? The Fire, which Allah has promised
those who do not believe. What an evil destination!' (Qur'an, 22:72)
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