Page 220 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 220

Why have gold bracelets not been put upon his arms and why is
           there not a train of angels accompanying him?' (Qur'an, 43:53)
           Those who do not know say, 'If only Allah would speak to us, or
           some sign come to us!' just like those before them who said the
           same as they say. Their hearts are much the same. We have made
           the Signs clear for people who have certainty. (Qur'an, 2:118)
           They ask, 'Why has no Sign been sent down to him from his Lord?'
           Say, 'Allah has the power to send down a Sign.' But most of them
           do not know it. (Qur'an, 6:37)
           They have sworn by Allah with their most earnest oaths that if a
           Sign comes to them they will believe in it. Say: 'The Signs are in
           Allah's control alone.' What will make you realise that even if a
           Sign did come, they would still not believe? (Qur'an, 6:109)

           You who believe, do not befriend your fathers and brothers if they
           prefer disbelief to faith. Those among you who do befriend them
           are wrongdoers. (Qur'an, 9:23)

           Even if there was a Qur'an which moved mountains, or split the
           earth open or spoke to the dead...! On the contrary! The affair is
           Allah's altogether. Do those who believe not know that if Allah
           had wanted to He could have guided all mankind? Those who do
           not believe will not cease to be struck by disaster for what they
           have done–or a disaster will happen close to their homes–until
           Allah's promise is fulfilled. Allah will not fail to keep His promise.
           (Qur'an, 13:31)
           Even if We were to send down a book to you on parchment pages
           and they were actually to touch it with their own hands, those
           who do not believe would still say, 'This is nothing but downright
           magic.' (Qur'an, 6:7)

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