Page 223 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 223

But they have adopted gods apart from Him which do not create
            anything but are themselves created. They have no power to harm
            or help themselves. They have no power over death or life or
            resurrection. (Qur'an, 25:3)
            Instead of Allah, he calls on something which cannot harm him or
            help him. That is extreme misguidance. (Qur'an, 22:12)
            They worship besides Allah something for which no authority
            has come down, something about which they have no knowledge.
            There is no helper for the wrongdoers. (Qur'an, 22:71)
            They worship, instead of Allah, what can neither harm them nor
            help them, saying, 'These are our intercessors with Allah.' Say:
            'Would you inform Allah of something about which He does not
            know either in the heavens or on the earth?' May He be glorified
            and exalted above what they associate with Him! (Qur'an, 10:18)
            AND CONJECTURE
            Yes, indeed! Everyone in the heavens and everyone on the earth
            belongs to Allah. Those who call on something other than Allah
            are not really following their partner-gods. They are only following
            conjecture. They are only guessing. (Qur'an, 10:66)
            They say, 'There is nothing but our existence in this world. We die
            and we live and nothing destroys us except for time.' They have
            no knowledge of that. They are only conjecturing. (Qur'an, 45:24)
            Those who associate others with Allah will say, 'If Allah had willed
            we would not have associated anything with Him, nor would our
            fathers; nor would we have made anything forbidden.' In the same
            way the people before them also lied until they felt Our violent
            force. Say: 'Do you have some knowledge you can produce for
            us?  You are following nothing but conjecture.  You are only
            guessing.' (Qur'an, 6:148)
            Most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Conjecture is of no use
            whatsoever against the truth. Allah most certainly knows what
            they are doing. (Qur'an, 10:36)

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