Page 362 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 362
Or do they say, 'He has invented it'? Say: 'If I have invented it the
crime will be laid at my door, but I am innocent of the crimes
which you commit.' (Qur'an, 11:35)
They say, 'When will this promise be kept if you are telling the
truth? Say: 'I possess no power to harm or help myself except as
Allah wills. Every nation has an appointed time. When their
appointed time comes, they cannot delay it a single hour or bring
it forward.' (Qur'an, 10:48-49)
They say, 'When will this promise be fulfilled if you are telling the
truth?' Say: 'It may well be that some of what you are anxious to
hasten is right on your heels.' (Qur'an, 27:71-72)
Asking, 'When is the Day of Judgement?' On the Day they are
tormented by the Fire: 'Taste your torment! This is what you were
trying to hasten.' (Qur'an, 51:12-14)
They say, 'When will this promise come about if you are telling
the truth. Say: 'The knowledge is with Allah alone and I am only
a clear warner.'When they see it right up close, the faces of those
who do not believe will be appalled and they will be told, 'This is
what you were calling for.' (Qur'an, 67:25-27)
They say, 'When will this promise come about if you are telling
the truth?' Say: 'You have a promised appointment on a Day which
you cannot delay or advance a single hour.' (Qur'an, 34:29-30)
People will ask you about the Last Hour. Say: 'Only Allah has
knowledge of it. What will make you understand? It may be that
the Last Hour is very near.' (Qur'an, 33:63)
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