Page 363 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 363

           They say, 'When we have been absorbed into the earth, are we
           then to be in a new creation?' In fact they reject the meeting with
           their Lord. Say: 'The Angel of Death, who has been given charge
           of you, will take you back and then you will be sent back to your
           Lord.' (Qur'an, 32:10-11)
           Nonetheless they are amazed that a warner should have come to
           them from among themselves and those who do not believe say,
           'What an extraordinary thing! When we are dead and turned to
           dust? That would be a most unlikely return!' We know exactly
           how the earth eats them away. We possess an all-preserving Book.
           (Qur'an, 50:2-4)
           They say, 'What! When we are bones and crumbled dust, will we
           then be raised up as a new creation!' Say: 'It would not matter if
           you were rock or iron, or indeed any created thing that you think
           is harder still!' They will say, 'Who will bring us back again?' Say:
           'He Who brought you into being in the first place.' They will shake
           their heads at you and ask, 'When will it happen?' Say: 'It may
           well be that it is very near.' (Qur'an, 17:49-51)
           That is their repayment for rejecting Our Signs and saying, 'What,
           when we are bones and crumbled dust, will we then be raised up
           as a new creation?' Do they not see that Allah, Who created the
           heavens and earth, has the power to create the like of them, and
           has appointed fixed terms for them of which there is no doubt? But
           the wrongdoers still spurn anything but disbelief. (Qur'an, 17:98-

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