Page 110 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 110
The Coordination in Our Bodies Is an Example of
The brain receives messages from receptors all over the body, informing the
brain about the position of the arms, legs and all other parts of the body. The
brain analyzes this data in order to regulate movement. As a result, you are able
to bend over and brush your hair without losing balance and falling over.
There are also receptors inside the muscles and tendons, sending the brain mes-
sages about the extension of the muscles and the tension in the tendons. The
brain uses this information to tell whether a limb is bent or straight. Sometimes
the brain determines the body’s position by analyzing commands sent to the mus-
cles. This monitoring system is employed during the process of vision, for in-
stance. Since the eye muscles are in constant motion, the images formed on the
retinas are constantly changing place. Yet that is not the case with the image we
actually perceive, because as the brain analyzes the image on the retina, it also
takes into account the instructions it has issued to the eye muscles. This system
is just one of the examples that demonstrate the design perfection created in our
bodies by God.
Primary motor
motor cortex
Basal ganglia Lumbar system
In order for any move-
ment to take place, com-
plex communications
take place between the
brain and muscles. The
Balance organ fact that cells can rec-
Spinal cord
Brain stem ognize and communi-
cate with one another is
Information regarding movement
a sign of intelligent cre-
Information regarding senses ation.
Muscle fiber