Page 13 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 13

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)                          11

            as well as for our ability to speak, move our muscles, and sense the
            world around us. In the absence of electrical flow, vital functions come
            to a halt, and the individual will be crippled or die. We communicate,
            move about, and employ our five senses by means of the electricity gen-
            erated within our bodies. Even if you have been unaware of it before
            now, even before you were born into the world, your life depended on
            mechanisms that in turn, depend on electricity, and you became ac-
            quainted with your surroundings and grew and developed by means of
            these mechanisms.
                 That is the reason why electric shocks are administered to cardiac
            patients whose hearts have stopped beating. In such an extreme situa-
            tion, no drugs or vitamins can be adminis-
            tered to cure the patient. Although there
            are a great many substances that are
            beneficial to the body, the heart
            first of all requires electricity in
            order to function.
                 Once science realized the im-
            portance of electricity in living bod-
            ies, universities established special de-
            partments solely for the purpose of re-
            searching this subject, and scientists wrote
            a great many research articles and books
            about it. Today, intense research is still be-
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