Page 17 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 17
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) 15
flow. Otherwise, the machine’s entire operations will be impaired.
In the human body, however, all these adjustments are carried out
without your even being aware of them.
In addition, the production and use of electricity in our bodies goes
on non-stop. Even when the body is resting, the flow of minute electrical
signals continues constantly, in intervals as short as 1/1000 of a second.
Electrical devices generally have a life span of 10 to 20 years, and usually
need to be repaired and have new parts installed long before that. Yet
apart from under very exceptional circumstances, the human body’s
electrical system functions for an entire lifetime, never resting and never
giving out.
The body’s various systems, and even single nerve cells—none of
which can be replicated using human intellect and accumulated knowl-
edge—are of such complexity as to prove that their existence cannot be
the work of chance. In the absence of this electrical system, whose details
we shall be examining throughout this book, the other systems in the
body and its organs could not function so flawlessly. Therefore, there
can be no question of “stage by stage” development, one of the main
claims of the theory of evolution, which maintains that living things
came into being through the mechanism of chance.
Despite being an evolutionist, the biologist Hoimar von Ditfurth
describes the impossibility of claims of chance in his book The Secret
Night of the Dinosaurs:
The statistical impossibility of the living structures in question forming by chance
is a popular and highly contemporary example of the current point of scientific de-
velopment. Indeed, looking at the extraordinary properties of the formation of a
single protein molecule that undertakes biological functions, it does appear impos-
sible to explain the combining of many atoms, all in the right location and the right
order and with all the correct electrical and mechanical features, as the result of
chance. 2
The human body produces its own electricity. In order for any func-
tion to take place in the body, a signal must be sent to the relevant organ
or tissue. If we are to survive, therefore, there can be no question of