Page 22 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 22


                                                                        Motor cortex
                                                                 Motor neuron
             Purple: The cortex of
             the brain sends mes-
             sages for the muscles
             to go into action.
             Blue: The sensory cells  Main nerve
             that direct movement in  nodes (re-
             the muscle send sig-  sponsible for
             nals to the cerebellum.  complex
             Red: The cerebellum
             sends signals to the  White matter
             cortex, by way of the
             thalamus, in order for      Thalamus
             the movement to take  Gray matter
             place.               Cerebellum
             Green: The cerebellum
             sends messages direct-    Brain stem
             ly to the muscles by
             way of the spinal cord.

            One reason why you can use your
            hands to do things is that your ner-
            vous system has a flawless struc-
            ture. Even picking up a marble is ac-
            tually a very complex movement.
            Delicate adjustments are required,
            such as how far the fingers need to
            be opened and how much force
            should be applied. If the nerves did
            not reach your hand, or if there were
            no link between the nerves and the
            brain, your hand would be a mere
            assemblage of flesh and bone.
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