Page 25 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 25



                                                       Our bodies’ electrical system con-
                                                       sists of three regions:
                                                       1) The brain, which functions like a
                                                       perfect computer,
                                                       2) The spinal cord, which serves like
                                                       a bundle of electrical cables, one
                                                       end of which goes to the brain, and,
                                                       3) The nerves, which function like
                                                       electrical wires and establish con-
                                                       nections between the spinal cord
                                                       and the whole body.


                                              Nerves depart from the brain and spinal cord
                                              and extend to all parts of the body, including
                                              the skin, muscles, sense organs, even the
                                              teeth and bone marrow. In short, the nerves
                                              are like roads that carry the body’s informa-
                                              Nerves permit us to obtain information about
                                              the world around us, and enable different
                                              parts of the body to function as an integral
                                              whole. They also undertake the transmission
                                              of commands from the brain, the body’s com-
                                              mand center.
                                              This system, which functions without our be-
                                              ing aware of it, is one of the examples of our
                                              Almighty Lord’s mercy on human beings.
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