Page 45 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 45

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)                          43

                     It is impossible for molecules that do not possess the ability to
                think, and have no way to keep records and conduct research, to
                come together and form living structures. Furthermore, it has so far
                not been possible to produce a supercomputer with the ability to
                think that fits into a mere 1 liter volume skull. Despite the collective
                knowledge and experience accumulated over years, scientists were
                                         only able to develop a machine that is a
                                           crude imitation 2 billion times larger
                                            and consuming 400,000 times more
                                            electricity than the human brain.

                                           Synaptic Transistors that

                                         Imitate Neurons
                                       The body uses the electricity in the nervous
                                system in an incredibly efficient way. By imitating
                                this structure, scientists aim to reduce worldwide
                                 energy consumption by a factor of hundreds of
                                 thousands of times.  31
                                     In addition to being energy-efficient, neurons
                                also have the ability to change the path of the elec-
                               trical current when they sustain damage so as to al-
                             leviate the effects of the damage over time. By con-
                          trast, when transistors malfunction, the computer proces-
                         sor often is irreparably damaged. The ongoing research on
                       synaptic transistors aims to imitate this repairing attribute of
                     the brain. Machines that can self-repair damage and learn by
                       establishing new connections as does the human brain, will
                       be a major scientific and technological breakthrough.
                            In any case, it is not a coincidence that humans have
                       nervous systems that possess these attributes, and many
                       more, from the moment they came into existence. While im-
                       itating the flawless structures of humans, scientists base
                       their work on the example of God's creation.
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