Page 50 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 50


              And both household and car batteries use chemical energy to produce
              electrical currents of various strengths.
                   Electricity used by the body is termed bioelectricity, the cellular ex-
              change of negatively and positively charged particles known as ions. For
              example, when potassium is released outside the cell membrane and is
              replaced by sodium, a small electrical current develops; the potassium is
              sent inside the cell and sodium outside.
              According to a statement by Lendon H.
              Smith, M.D., a pediatrician and one of
              the best-known experts on health and
              nutrition; “In this way the cells act as tiny
              batteries with their own electromagnetic
              current.”  32

                                                                  Cells work like batter-
                                                                  ies in the body. By
                                    Myelin sheath                 means of the electric
                                                                  current that the cells
                                                                  produce, impulses
                                                                  move from one node to
                                                                  another, transmitting
                                                                  signals at very high
                                      Impulse                     speed.
                 Na +    K +          K +

                                                  Na +       Na +
                K +        Na +
                                            Action      Action poten-
              Return to       Re-polarization                         Rest
              resting                       potential   tial begins
              potential                     (6 Na+ enter)  (2 Na+ enter)

              Neurons do not touch each other, but the synapses between them are so minute
              that nerve impulses can pass from one neuron to another as if there were no
              breaks at all.
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