Page 55 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 55
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) 53
initial negative charge (of -70 millivolts), lead it to assume a neutral
charge. The transfer of ions between the exterior and interior of the cell
then produces a new electrical signal. The nerve cell that forwards the
message—and has thus discharged its duty—returns to the resting posi-
tion. This passage takes place with the opening and closing of the sodi-
um and potassium channels in less than one thousandth of a second.
These processes, which have been simplified as much as possible
for the sake of explanation here, actually contain exceedingly complex
stages. If the production of electricity in a single cell were left for you to
perform consciously, you would have to supervise the opening and clos-
ing of the channels and ensure ion equilibrium, all in less than one thou-
sandth of a second. But of course it would be impossible for you to es-
tablish such equilibrium, nor to control and direct such a rapidly func-
tioning system in billions of nerve cells. Yet this system continues even
when you are asleep!
What is the level of electricity in the body? The difference between
the charges inside and outside the cell is approximately 50 millivolts.
According to the calculations by Professor Steven M. Simasko of
Washington State University, if all the energy produced by the body’s
trillions of cells were added together, it would be enough to light a 40-
watt light bulb. 35
Some cells produce more electricity than others, an amount that
varies depending on the task the cell performs and for what purpose the
current electricity is used. For example, nerve cells must produce large
quantities of electricity, because they transmit their messages over long
distances. In a truly extraordinary way, cells are apparently aware of the
importance of the tasks they perform, and how much energy they will
require. They calculate this to perfection and discharge this responsibil-
ity with no interruptions over the course of a whole lifetime—another
proof that electricity production takes place in a conscious manner.
This is one of the conditions that endow us with life. For example,
if your heart cells produced less electricity than they actually do, they
would be unable to carry out the pumping process properly (details of
which we shall be examining in due course). The blood would be unable