Page 59 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 59


            The Spinal Cord Between Brain and Body
                                                 Nerve impulses are transmitted from
            The spinal cord is a thick bun-
            dle of nerves establishing con-      one neuron to another, just like in a
            nections between the head            relay race. This allows signals to trav-
            and all points of the body.          el long distances with no loss of
            From here, nerves narrow
            into 30 smaller bundles.             speed or effect.

                                                    The Brain Responsible for the System
                                                    The brain is a mass of nerve cells that
                                                    control and coordinate the electrical
                                                    signals that come and go. They can
                                                    be measured using a machine known
                                                    as an electroencephalograph.

                                                    Incoming Signals
                                                    One set of nerves carries signals
                                                    from the eyes, ears, nose, skin and
                                                    other sensory organs, reporting on
                                                    what is going on in the surrounding
                                    Outgoing Signals
                                    When the brain issues a command another group, the
                                    motor nerves, sends the signal along the nerve. These
                                    nerves are linked to every muscle in the body. When
                                    small electrical signals reach the muscles, they contract
                                    and permit movement.
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