Page 88 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 88


                   Superior vena cava
                                                        THE ELECTRICAL ORDER IN
                                                        THE HEART IS ONE OF THE
                SA node               AV node           SIGNS OF CONSCIOUS CREATION
                                            Left atrium
            Right atrium                                A node of tissue known as the SA
                                                        node in the right atrium of the
                                                        heart serves like a generator to
                                                        provide electricity, sending some
                                               Pulmonary  72 electrical impulses a minute to
                                                   veins  the heart of a resting adult. This
                                                        region produces faster electrical
                                                        impulses than other tissues. In
                                                        the event that the SA node is
                                                        damaged, other sections of the
                                                        heart’s electrical system are able
                                                        to take over that function, despite
                                                        beating at a lower speed.
                                                        For example, the group of cells
            Inferior                                    known as the atrioventricular
            vena cava  Purkinje           Outer coronary  bundle (bundle of His) has a
                      fibers  Region between  layer     speed of 40 to 60 beats a minute.
                             ventricles                 If the SA node is damaged, this
                                                        tissue can take over the coronary
                                                        rhythm. The way that such a vital
                                                        system has been created together
                                                        with a backup system is just an-
                                                        other instance of God’s protec-
                                                        tion of man.

               SA node

                  AV node

              The heart’s natural battery is the SA node in the right atrium. The heart also con-
              tains nerve fibers transmitting electrical signals from the SA node to other parts
              of the heart. An electrical impulse leaves the SA node and travels to the right and
              left atria, causing them to contract together, all in 0.04 of a second. There is then
              a delay that allows the atrium to contract and the ventricles to fill with blood. The
              electrical impulse heads for the AV node, and then to the atrioventricular bundle
              after which it divides to the right and left and spreads rapidly towards the right
              and left ventricles, using the Purkinje fibers, and enables them to contract at the
              same moment.
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