Page 92 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 92


              heart, whose accelerator is activated and its rhythm speeded up. More
              clean, oxygenated blood thus reaches the muscles.
                   To keep the heart from beating so fast as to damage itself, a special
              security mechanism is needed. The aortic veins emerging from the left

              side of the heart contain receptors that measure blood pressure. As the
              heartbeat speeds up, the pressure of the blood against the aortic wall ris-
              es. When this exceeds a particular level, the receptors become aware of
              the rising pressure and send messages to the spinal cord bulb, which
              again evaluates the situation and sends a new command to the heart. At
              this, the rhythm of the heart is slowed, and the blood pressure is low-

              Most heart attacks occur when one of the arteries that nourish the heart with
              blood becomes blocked. When the muscle cells are deprived of oxygen or nu-
              trients, they become acidic and begin beating spontaneously in an uncon-
              trolled manner. These pulses disturb the rhythmic contractions of the heart.
              All of this reveals how the heart’s design is an example of a superior creation.
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