Page 34 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 34
32 The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
The Sadducees
An examination of these movements
reveals that the Sadducees were the most in-
fluential and highest sect in terms of social
status, as well as the only movement that
held a worldview completely contradic-
tory to the message delivered by the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Even though the
available sources do not explicitly state so, it
is highly probable that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
vehemently opposed this movement. In the
Gospel of Matthew, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) warns
the believers of the Sadducees' views:
"Be careful," Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard
against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
(Matthew 16:6)
This group, which consisted of about 7,000 to
8,000 people, claimed to be the descendents of the
high priests, collaborated with Rome, were respon-
sible for the Temple in Jerusalem, and supervised
the sacrifice system in place at the Temple. As they
were in charge of all of the Temple's activities, they
considered themselves a superior class and would
not do any other work. As a result, they acquired a
great deal of wealth, political privilege, and status,
and also passed their respective jobs on to their
sons. While they wished to continue this legacy
that guaranteed their dominant position, they