Page 37 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 37
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 35
Ruins of the Roman Empire in Rome.
The first uprising was quashed quickly. Most of the rebels
died, but those who survived continued their resistance. The next
uprising turned into the first Jewish revolt (66-70 ce), which ended
in a mass suicide of the Jews holed up in their fortress in Masada.
At the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), many such different
movements expecting the Messiah (pbuh) emerged and managed
to attract large followings. However, the Romans took serious pre-
cautions against these movements and increased their control and
oppression. If they encountered anything that could incite the peo-
ple, they reacted hard and without mercy. Later on, the Jews used
the Romans' sensitivity in this regard against the Prophet Jesus
The Zealots also took an interest in the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh)
ministry, for they were anticipating the Messiah (pbuh).