Page 114 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 114

Harun Yahya

                   tions and differentiations He makes in the complex intermingling of all of those
                   forms; Who directs the gaze of all His slaves to everlasting bliss by promising
                   them resurrection in all of His heavenly decrees; Who demonstrates the splendor
                   of His Dominion by causing all of His creation to collaborate with one another,
                   to revolve within the circle of His command and His will, to aid one another and
                   be submitted to Him; Who shows the importance He has given to man by creat-
                   ing him as the most comprehensive, the most precious and delicate, the most val-
                   ued and valuable fruit on the tree of creation by addressing him without inter-
                   mediary and subjugating all things to him—is it at all possible that so
                   Compassionate and Powerful a One, so Wise and All-Knowing a One, should
                   not bring about resurrection; should not gather His creatures together or be un-
                   able to do so; should not restore man to life, or be unable to do so; should not be
                   able to inaugurate His Supreme Court; should not be able to create Heaven and
                   Hell? Nay, indeed, by no means is any of this possible.  36
                   Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
                       Darwinists never appreciate that a drop of blood contains
               some 250 million red blood cells, 400 thousand white blood cells and
               millions of thrombocytes. A great miracle that produces molecules with
               these properties and lets them all function together. Allah has flawless-
               ly created blood right down to the finest detail.

                       Darwinists never realize that to prevent death from loss of
               blood, more than 20 enzymes all have to be present at the same time to
               help blood clot. This complexity is incompatible with the mechanism of
                       Darwinists never realize who directs the sequence of the 20 va-
               rieties of enzymes during the course of blood clotting? Unconscious
               atoms could never achieve this vital sequencing of their own accord,
               and the answer to that question can never be found in any Darwinist
                       Darwinists never realize why transporter proteins in the blood
               carry the needs of hundreds of different kinds of cells in the body in the

               form of packages. This is incompatible with the principle of supposed

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