Page 115 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 115

Adnan Oktar

                                The blood clotting system is an extraordinary phenomenon
               blood vessel     that takes place with a series of enzymes working together.
                 damage         Every enzyme in this system has to be activated in the right
                                place and at the right time. It is absolutely impossible to ac-
                                count for such a mechanism operating correctly in every liv-
                                ing body in terms of unconscious chance.

                                   evolution that an entity acts only in its own in-
                                   terests and will not assist or co-operate with
                                   other entities.
                                            Darwinists never realize that blood
                                   cells recognize oxygen molecules entering the
                                   lungs and carefully separate them out. They

                                   then carry these to all the cells of the body, dis-
                                   tributing the oxygen according to the cells’
                                   needs. Such a selective conscious system could
                                   never result from unconscious coincidences.
                                            Darwinists never wonder how blood
                                   cell, formed in the bone marrow, can know the
                                   human body as well as it does. These cells nev-
                                   er carry substances required by the kidneys to

                                   the brain instead, and Darwinists cannot ac-
                                   count for such precise behavior.

                                  Blood cells separate the oxygen entering the
                                     body and distribute it where it is needed.

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