Page 185 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 185
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
The idea that the world of science supports evolution—so it must be a
theory that’s been tested and whose truth has been established with sci-
entific data—is utterly misleading. This deception is the result of the
psychological warfare techniques that Darwinists employ, and in no
way reflects the true state of affairs. In addition, contrary to what
Darwinists persist in maintaining, not all the scientific world is evolu-
tionist. Despite all these methods of intimidation and pressure, some
scientists, academics and professors still openly express their opposi-
tion to evolution. They expose the dilemmas facing the theory and at-
tempt to impart the facts to the public. What is more, the number of sci-
entists escaping the spell of Darwinism is rising every day.
Despite Darwinist scientists’ efforts to influence the public,
Darwinism’s falsehoods and deceptions are actually in a state of col-
lapse. The most important reason is that despite the efforts of evolu-
tionist scientists, everyone has been warned of the theory’s total lack of
scientific evidence.
When Abu Hanifa, who lived on the shore opposite Baghdad, failed to take his
place at the debate at the appointed time, a number of questions formed in the
minds of his unbelieving opponents and the crowd. Everyone was curious . . . .
Why has he not come? Won’t he be coming? Is he afraid? Has he been unable to
find any proofs?. Shortly after the appointed time, Imam-ul-A’zam arrived. His
opponent was greatly encouraged, and his denial and arrogance had grown.
Abu Hanifa apologized and began explaining why he was late. “I was unable to
find a boat to carry me here from the other shore. I began waiting. I thought that
a rowing boat or other small conveyance might arrive and that I could cross on
that. Just then, I saw that all the trees had fallen over. I witnessed that a boat had
formed spontaneously from the bits of wood lying about. I also saw that there
were a sail and oars. I was delighted not to have to keep you waiting and jumped
into the boat. The boat then spontaneously carried me here.”. . . His opponent
and the multitude were baffled. His opponent, an advocate of naturalism who
claimed that everything was created by nature, said that it was impossible for
such an event to take place in the manner described. The Imam smiled and
replied: “Since you deny the possibility of even a small boat coming into being