Page 184 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 184
Harun Yahya
tific literature reflected this sense of understanding. Papers commonly talked
about the model, either in general or regarding particular aspects of it, as known
and secure events of nature. Textbooks followed suit by communicating this com-
prehension to students. Such descriptions did not highlight, or commonly even
mention, the immense lacunae of ignorance, the unanswered questions about the
model’s fidelity to nature. Instead they gave the impression that it was all known,
or at least almost all known, a certified product of laboratory research. . . . When
evidence was reported that did not seem to fit the theory, it, not the theory, be-
came suspect. . . . The problem is rather socially contagious materialism, spread
more by social pressure than by rational argument. 60
Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry
The social pressure that Behe refers to is intensely felt in the acad-
emic world. In many countries, Darwinist academics are support-
ed in schools and universities while efforts are made to obstruct
the careers of those who believe in Allah. Because they reject
Darwinism, their books and articles are excluded from scientific
publications. They are also accused of backwardness, even though
nothing could be further from the truth. In most European coun-
tries, if scientists wish to pursue an academic career, they must
turn a blind eye to Darwinist nonsense, or even support it.
Otherwise it is very difficult to make progress in an academic ca-
reer, or even to obtain permanent tenure in universities.
Evolutionist scientists have established a kind of dictatorship in
universities and academia. Fierce criticism emerges from most of the
scientific world, especially from those academic bodies and institutions
where the materialist mindset predominates, when scientists who be-
lieve in Allah put forward scientific evidence for Creation. But no such
opposition is voiced to atheist or materialist propaganda. That is why
some scientists remain silent, even though they are perfectly aware of
the invalidity of evolution; out of concern for their future or fear of los-
ing their jobs.
As you have seen, ideological concerns or pressure and intimida-
tion underlie the lip service that the scientific world gives to evolution.