Page 62 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 62
Harun Yahya
Darwinists never admit that just as plants reproduce by pol-
len, insects are pollen-carriers, and that Allah has created insects and
plants in complete cooperation with one another’s needs.
In claiming that an animal is concerned solely with its own in-
terests, Darwinists never account for how a penguin endures four
months of cold and hunger to protect its egg, and that Allah inspires
such self-sacrifice in living things.
Fourth Principle: You will understand also that the adornments of this world are
like samples and forms of the blessings stored up in Paradise by the mercy of the
Compassionate One for the people of faith. 20
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Allah has created in-
sects and plants in
great harmony be-
tween one another.
Insects obtain food
from plant nectar,
while plants are polli-
nated by insects.
Darwinists have no
logical explanation re-
garding the creation of
that harmony.