Page 90 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 90

• that survives through the violence committed against the
            bourgeoisie by the proletariat,

                 • that is unrestricted by any law,
                 • that regards it as essential to kill leaders, soldiers and the

                                            •   that    seized   their    financial

                                             • that imposes red terror against a
                                         class "doomed to destruction,"

                                             • that believes the only way to
                                         achieve its aim is through armed insur-

                                        rection and terror,
                                           •    that describes those who think
                                                 the aim can be achieved through

                                                   peaceful means as having "lost
                                                      their senses" or having
                                                      abandoned        communist

                                                               •      that makes it
                                                           essential for the mili-
                                                           tary not to be given a
                                                           moment's peace, inside
                                                            or outside their bar-

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