Page 92 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 92
Bloody Communıst
Leaders Reject Relıgıon,
the State and the Famıly
Since communism is based on Darwinism, it shares all the charac-
teristics of the polluted morality that the Darwinist ideology imposes
on people and communities. In the same way that communist savagery
and barbarity are founded on Darwinism, it also draws its irreligious
nature and way of regarding the state, the family and moral virtues as
bad things from that same Darwinism. The theory of evolution, which
takes chance as its false deity and was launched solely for the purpose
of denying the existence of Almighty God (surely God is beyond that),
represents, in Marx's words, "...the basis in natural history" for com-
munism. Therefore, both ideologies serve the same aim. It is of
course impossible for a Darwinist who believes that
chance is a creative force (surely God is beyond
that) to believe in God. And a commu-
90 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan