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                       185 Theodosius Dobzhansky, Genetics and the  bölgelerinde yaflayan insan popülasyonlarında
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                       186 Richard B. Goldschmidt, The Material Basis of  tir. E¤er co¤rafi izolasyon olmasaydı, yani
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                       187 Brian Goodwin, “Neo-Darwinism has failed as  zaman herkes “melez” olurdu; zenciler, beyaz-
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                         hesizing Evolutionary and Developmental  Freeman and Company, New York, 2000, s.
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                         No. 0032, 1996, s. 361.      202 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles
                       189 R. Lewin, “Evolutionary Theory Under Fire”,  Darwin, Cilt.II, D. Appleton and Company,
                         Science, vol. 210, 21 Kasım 1980, s. 883.  New York, 1888, s. 210.
                       190 T. Fagerstrom, P. Jagers, P. Schuster, E. Szath-  203 Troy E. Wood, Loren H. Rieseberg,
                         mary, “Biologists put on mathematical glas-  “Speciation: Introduction”, Encyclopedia of
                         ses”, Science, vol. 274, 20 Aralık 1996, s. 2039-  Life Sciences, 1999, ¤
                         2040.                        204 G. Nelson, “Species and Taxa: Systematics and
                       191 Sean B. Carroll, “The Big Picture”, Nature,  Evolution”, s. 73-74, D. Otte, J.A. Endler
                         Vol. 409, 8 fiubat 2001, s. 669; Paul R. Ehrlich,  (editors), Speciation and its Consequences,
                         Human Natures, Shearwater Books, Washing-  Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massac-
                         ton, D.C., 2000, s. 46.         husetts, 1989.
                       192 D.H. Erwin, “Macroevolution is more than  205 Richard G. Harrison, “Diverse origins of
                         repeated rounds of microevolution”, Evolution  biodiversity”, Nature, vol. 411, 7 Haziran
                         & Development, Vol. 2, 2000, s. 78-84.  2001, s. 635-636.
                       193 J.W. Valentine, D.H. Erwin, “Interpreting Great  206 D.E. Irwin, S. Bensch, T.D. Price, “Speciation
                         Developmental Experiments: The Fossil  in a ring”, Nature, vol. 409, 18 Ocak 2001, s.
                         Record”, s. 95, R.A. Raff, E.C. Raff (editors),  333.
                         Development as an Evolutionary Process, Alan  207 Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Sudden Origins: Fossils,
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                       194 C.R. Woese, “Macroevolution in the micros-  Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000, s. 300.
                         copic world”, C. Patterson (editor), Molecules  208 Detaylı bilgi için bkz. Harun Yahya, Hayatın
                         and Morphology in Evolution, Cambridge:  Gerçek Kökeni, Vural yayıncılık, ‹stanbul,
                         Cambridge University Press, 1987.  2000, s. 20-32.
                       195 Troy E. Wood, Loren H. Rieseberg,  209 Kevin Kelly, Out of Control: The New Biology
                         “Speciation: Introduction”, Encyclopedia of  of Machines, Fourth Estate, London, 1995, s.
                         Life Sciences, 1999, ¤  475.
                       196 J.A. Endler, “Conceptual and Other Problems  210 Gordon R. Taylor, The Great Evolution
                         in Speciation”, s. 625, D. Otte, J.A. Endler  Mystery, Harper & Row, New York, 1983, s.
                         (editors), Speciation and Its Consequences,  48; Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution,
                         Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massac-  River Publishing, London, 1984, s. 70; Jeremy
                         husetts, 1989.                  Rifkin, Algeny, Viking Press, New York, 1983,
                       197 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Temel Kural-  s. 134.
                         ları, Cilt I / Kısım I, 11. baskı, Meteksan  211 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Or-
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