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                 ganisms, Academic Press, New York, 1977, s.  ¤
                 87; L.P. Lester, R.G. Bohlin, The Natural Limits  232 David Lack, “Darwin’s Finches”, Scientific
                 to Biological Change, second edition, Probe  American, Nisan 1953.
                 Books, Dallas, 1989, s. 88.  233 Peter R. Grant, “Natural Selection and Dar-
               212 Detaylı bilgi için bkz. Harun Yahya, Hayatın  win’s Finches”, Scientific American, Ekim
                 Gerçek Kökeni, Vural yayıncılık, ‹stanbul,  1991, s. 82-87.
                 2000, s. 49-59.              234 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the Finch, Vin-
               213 Paul N. Pearson, Katherine G. Harcourt-  tage Books, New York, 1994, s. 19.
                 Brown, “Speciation and the Fossil Record”,  235 Peter R. Grant, “Natural Selection and Dar-
                 Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2001, ¤  win’s Finches”, Scientific American, Ekim
               214 Kevin Kelly, Out of Control: The New Biology  1991, s. 82-87.
                 of Machines, Fourth Estate, London, 1995, s.  236 Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, “Speciation
                 470-471.                        and Hybridization in Island Birds”, Philosop-
               215 David Tilman, “Causes, consequences and et-  hical Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon-
                 hics of biodiversity”, Nature, vol. 405, 11  don B 351, 1996, s. 765-772; Peter R. Grant, B.
                 Mayıs 2000, s. 208.             Rosemary Grant, “Speciation and
               216 Özge Balkız, “Neden Bizim de Kangurumuz  Hybridization of Birds on Islands”, s. 142-162
                 Yok?”, Bilim ve Teknik, sayı: 410, Ocak 2002,  in Peter R. Grant (editor), Evolution on Is-
                 s. 85.                          lands, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.
               217 James L. Gould, William T. Keeton, Biological  237 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the Finch, Vin-
                 Science, Sixth Edition, W.W. Norton, New  tage Books, New York, 1994, s. 9.
                 York, 1996, s. 500.          238 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the Finch, Vin-
               218 Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson, Biology,  tage Books, New York, 1994, s. 112.
                 Fifth Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, Boston,  239 Lisle Gibbs, Peter Grant, “Oscillating Selection
                 1999, s. 410.                   on Darwin’s Finches”, Nature, vol. 327, 1987,
               219 George B. Johnson, Biology: Visualizing Life,  s. 511-513.
                 FL: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Orlando, 1998,  240 Peter R. Grant, “Natural Selection and Dar-
                 s. 174.                         win’s Finches”, Scientific American, Ekim
               220 Timothy A. Mousseau, Alexander E. Olvido,  1991, s. 82-87.
                 “Geographical Variation”, Encyclopedia of Life  241 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the Finch, Vin-
                 Sciences, 2000, ¤      tage Books, New York, 1994, s. 104-105.
               221 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Temel Kural-  242 Gailon Totheroh, “Evolution Outdated”, 2001,
                 ları, Cilt I / Kısım I, 11. baskı, Meteksan  http://¤
                 Yayınları, Ankara, 1998, s. 613.  dex.php3?prog  ram=CRSCstories&com-
               222 Michaela Hau, Martin Wikelski, “Darwin’s  mand=view&id=596.
                 Finches”, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2000,  243 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery
                 ¤                      Publishing Inc., 2000, s. 173-174.
               223 Dr. Robert Rothman, “Darwin’s Finches”, 2001,  244 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery
                 http://¤  Publishing Inc., 2000, s. 174-175; Bkz.
                 winFinch.html.                  National Academy of Sciences, Science and
               224 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery  Creationism: A View from the National
                 Publishing Inc., 2000, s. 160; Michaela Hau,  Academy of Sciences, Second Edition, Was-
                 Martin Wikelski, “Darwin’s Finches”, Encyc-  hington DC, 1999.
                 lopedia of Life Sciences, 2000, ¤  245 Phillip E. Johnson, “The Church of Darwin”,
               225 Michaela Hau, Martin Wikelski, “Darwin’s  The Wall Street Journal, 16 A¤ustos 1999.
                 Finches”, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2000,  246 Lori Oliwenstein, “Any Finch in a Pinch”, Dis-
                 ¤                      cover, August 1992.
               226 Carl Zimmer, Evolution: The Triumph of an  247 Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, “Evolution
                 Idea, Harper Collins Publishers, New York,  of Darwin’s finches caused by a rare climatic
                 2001, s. 32.                    event”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of
               227 Frank J. Sulloway, “Darwin and His Finches:  London B 251, 1993, s. 111-117; Peter R.
                 The Evolution of a Legend”, Journal of the  Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, “Hybridization of
                 History of Biology, vol. 15, 1982, s. 1-53.   Bird Species”, Science, vol. 256, 1992, s. 193-
               228 Frank J. Sulloway, “Darwin and the  197.
                 Galapagos”, Biological Journal of the Linnean  248 Peter R. Grant, “Hybridization of Darwin’s
                 Society, vol. 21, 1984, s. 29-59.  finches on Isla Daphne Major, Galapagos”,
               229 David Lack, Darwin’s Finches, Cambridge  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
                 University Press, Cambridge, 1947.  of London B 340, 1993, s. 127–139.
               230 Lee Spetner, Not By Chance!, The Judaica  249 Dr. Robert Rothman, “Darwin’s Finches”, 2001,
                 Press, New York, 1998, s. 202.  http://¤
               231 Michaela Hau, Martin Wikelski, “Darwin’s  winFinch.html.
                 Finches”, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2000,  250 Peter R. Grant, “Hybridization of Darwin’s
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