Page 79 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 79

Seed Dispersal

                                                              Pine trees disperse
                                                              their seeds by vari-
                                                              ous means.  A pine
                                                              cone stores many
                                                              winged seeds, each
                                                              in a separate com-
                                                              partment. The seeds
                                                              stay packed tightly
                                                              in closed cones for
                                                              approximately three
                                                              years. Then, they
                                                              begin to open with
                                                              the heat of the sum-
                                                              mer sun and so are
                                                              scattered  through
                                                              the air.
                                                              The seeds are also
              dispersed by being carried off by squirrels. Usually in summer, squirrels snap off
              short twigs bearing a few fresh and closed pine cones and carry them close to
              their nests. They start to strip them off from base to bottom. This they do very me-
              thodically and at great speed, packing their cheek pouches with plenty of the
              seeds. Then they dig a hole and bury them. If they have no time to strip all the
              shells from the cones, they bury the entire cone in the hole. The seeds wait until
              spring without rotting, then start to germinate. (Grains de Vie, p. 65.)

                                           For animals like squirrels, the seeds of
                                           plants are an important source of food. It is
                                           God Who is aware of all things and creates
                                           this harmonious relationship between
                                           plants and animals.
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