Page 74 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 74
Mangrove forests are one of the most fertile regions on
Earth for a variety of fauna and flora. They are usually
formed by groupings of mastic trees. Plants like
Rhizophora and Ceriops growing in these regions have
a very interesting method of reproduction. These
plants’ roots develop in the air, arching back down into
the alluvial mud. Seeds start to germinate and develop
into shoots before they separate from the mother plant.
After a time these shoots fall off into the mud and rapidly put out roots to ensure
that they are not washed away. (Grains de Vie, p. 40.)
The seeds of plants like Cyperus
shown adjacent have no hairs or ap-
pendages and, in common with
many seeds, are dispersed
by water. The polished
surface of the seeds
allows them to be car-
ried along without
snagging on obstruc-
tions. (Grains de Vie,
p. 41.)