Page 69 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 69

Seed Dispersal

              [“Seeds of Life”], the parachute-like structures on seeds is expressed as
              “an unresolved subject:”
                   Not yet understood is how evolution could develop devices so finely
                   adapted to flight. 30
                   As the above quote shows, evolutionists attribute independent
              powers to an abstract, imaginary concept like evolution. They refer to
              evolution as if it were a power that can organize, develop and create
              something. But “evolution” is not a power. Its acknowledged mecha-
              nism is coincidence – an uncontrolled process. It does not have the po-
              wer to create perfect systems.
                   Seeds have been brought into existence by a Power that knows
              how to put into them the necessary information, what kind of environ-
              ment they will sprout in, and what systems they will need to complete
              these features. This is plainly a power like no other, and is the power of
              God Who created the universe and formed everything in a perfect or-
              der. It behooves every person of intelligence to observe the order in the
              universe and consider what God has created. In a verse of the Qur’an,
              He makes known that there is no other deity and that the only salvati-
              on is to pray unto Him alone:

                   Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you
                   would not return to Us? Exalted be God, the King, the Real. There
                   is no deity but Him, Lord of the Noble Throne. Whoever calls on
                   another deity together with God, has no grounds for doing so at all
                   and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no
                   success. (Qur’an, 23:115-117)

                   Dust-Like Seeds
                   When the seedpods of the poppy and the snapdragon sway in the
              wind, thousands of fine seeds are dispersed into the environment. The-
              se seeds are so small that they look like specks of dust in the air. The
              upper sections of the pods containing the seeds are pierced with little
              holes like the top of a saltcellar. In fact, at the beginning of the last cen-
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