Page 65 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 65
Seed Dispersal
Special Structural Features that Help Seeds to Fly
The mobility of wind-borne seeds does not depend on just the si-
ze of the seed, height of the plant, or wind velocity. One of the most im-
portant features is the seeds’ special shapes and appended structures,
which let flying seeds be basically classified as those with wings or pa-
rachutes, powder seeds and fluffy seeds.
Propeller-winged Seeds
The European maple, using air transportation for reproduction,
has seeds with an interesting structure; they are equipped with a sing-
le wing, sprouting from one side. When the wind is strong enough,
these tiny helicopters spin around. Each mature wing has a membra-
nous appearance and its veins give it the appearance of an insect’s
wing. The maple seeds’ structure lets them spin in the air, letting them
The seeds of the maple have structures like helicopter propellers that enable the
seed to spin through their air, often covering a distance of a few kilometers.