Page 60 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 60
The Geranium’s Effective Propagation Methods
The geranium (Geranium pusillum) has a most interesting and ef-
fective way of reproducing. This variety of plant is a ground creeper,
which disperses its seeds by an interesting propulsion method.
The fruit of the geranium, which develops to form a spike exten-
ding from the fruiting body, acts as a kind of catapult. Each of the six
fruit capsules around this spike is located at the end of a flexible strip.
When the fruit is ripe, the strip violently recoils, making the capsule
snap upward and casting the seeds. The seeds shoot upwards along a
certain trajectory and fall at a distance. This is a perfect mechanism.
But for optimum propulsion, there should be no obstruction in the se-
eds’ path. Under such circumstances the seeds could just as easily be
dispersed by a strong wind. However, to
prevent this happening, small filaments at
the entrance of these sections keep a light
restraint on the seeds. 22
Wherever geraniums grow in the
world, this mechanism is perfectly preser-
ved. If this were not so, geraniums could
not reproduce, and the species would die
out. Obviously this intricate and perfect or-
der has not come
into being of its
own accord.
God, Who has
perfectly created
all living things
on Earth, also
created gerani-
ums in such intri-
cate detail.