Page 61 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 61
Seed Dispersal
The Incredible Twisting
Mechanism of Erodium
As in the geranium, the fruits of the Erodi-
um plant (stork's bill) come together on their
syles at one central point. The seeds are located
inside the fruits shown in the illustration. At matu-
rity, the stamen attached to the seed starts to curl,
extending towards the ground. This is when the
plant’s amazing mechanism comes into play, letting its se-
eds screw themselves into the soil. The system consists of the
1-The top of the tail on the ripening seed curls into a vertical
position. When the tail is twisting into the soil, it functions as a lever.
2-The bottom of the tail is twisted and screws into the soil, functi-
oning like an engine to drive the seed into the earth.
3-The filaments surrounding the tail are long, closely woven and
stick in like thorns, providing support.
4-The head, carrying the seeds inside, is like the pointed tip of a
cork screw, driven into the earth by
1 the action of the lever at the top.
2 5-The hairs on the head, short
and regular, ease the seed’s passage
into the soil and at the same time, act
as a kind of fishhook to prevent the
seed being pulled out again.
The big picture to the left shows
5 Erodium seeds anchored to the gro-
und. 23
The ability of this soft plant to pierce hard
ground is naturally not the product of coinciden-
ce. God, Who has no partner in His creation, acqu-
aints us with His art with the system installed in
this incomparable plant.