Page 58 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 58
and mean the end of the species. But thanks to the plant’s perfect ti-
ming, the system starts to function and disperses the seeds at exactly
the right time.
This fine timing holds true for all plants that disperse their seeds
by propulsion. That this works without a hitch raises the question of
how any such system came to exist at all. As we have seen, plants need
an integrated system in order to reproduce. It is illogical and unreaso-
nable to claim that this mechanism – which must have been present in
each plant simultaneously, from the very start – has evolved as a result
of changes taking place over thousands, even millions of years. The
maturing of the fruit, the fluid it contains, and the seeds must all emer-
ge at the same time. Any hitch would mean that the plant could not
disperse its seeds. Take any component you choose out of this system;
the result will always be the same: extinction of the species.
The details that go into the distribution of just a single seed pla-
inly show how perfectly and completely plants have come into exis-
tence. This cannot have been achieved through pure coincidence, or
random natural events. The obvious truth is that God, the Creator of
all things, has created them in all their perfection. There is no other de-
ity than Almighty God. Thus it behooves all intelligent people to live in
the knowledge of this truth and to be directed to God in everything
they do.
Your deity is God alone, there is no deity but Him. He encompasses
all things in His knowledge. (Qur'an, 20:98)
Examples Drawn from Other Plants
The broom is another plant that reproduces by opening its seed-
pod of its own accord, but in a completely different way from that of
the Mediterranean squirting cucumber. The broom’s pods burst as a
result of evaporation rather than as a result of an increase of liquid in
the plant. As the heat rises, the side of the pod facing the sun dries out
faster than that in the shade, which creates a tension in the pod. Finally