Page 68 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 68


                eds with this porous structure show variations, such as the simple sil-
                kiness of Silybum marianum, the feathers of the thistle (Cirsium occiden-
                tale)  and the membranous structure of the moonflower (Scabiosa
                stellata). 29
                    As these few examples show, parachute seeds include all the ne-
                cessary features to increase the speed of the seed and enable it to move
                more easily.
                    To show that these features are not products of coincidence, consi-
                der the parachutes used by people. No one would hesitate to agree that
                they have a special design. A parachute cannot just produce itself; so-
                meone first thought of it and tested it out. People produce the threads
                used in the making of the parachute, a factory weave this yarn into fab-
                ric, and then people sew this fabric together to make a parachute. It’s
                obvious that static pieces of fabric cannot assemble themselves to ma-
                ke a parachute and acquire the aerodynamics to let it coast through the
                    In that case, how come there are seeds with even more complex
                parachute-like structures? Who made such decisions as whether there
                would be few or many pores? Those who might reply that such details
                are “coded into information in the seeds” should explain how the first
                seed appeared, and how this information came to be installed in it.
                This first seed could not have acquired such knowledge on its own, as
                a result of coincidence. The unconscious molecules that compose the
                seed cannot just have come up with a plan one day, saying, “Let’s ma-
                ke a thing called a seed, and code it with information on how to create
                thousands of different varieties of plants.”
                    No intelligent, logical person could make such a claim. If it’s obvi-
                ous that no parachute can produce itself, then seeds resembling parac-
                hutes with such a detailed structure cannot come into existence of their
                own accord.
                    However hard they try, evolutionists cannot attribute the formati-
                on of seeds to coincidence. In an evolutionist work called Grains de Vie
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