Page 70 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 70


                                       tury, R.H. France, the inventor of the saltcel-
                                        lar, was inspired by the finely crafted struc-
                                         ture of these plants! 31
                                              The seedpods of orchids have three
                                          compartments. When these pods mature
                                          they burst, scattering clouds of tiny seeds
                                         that are practically weightless and have no
                                          reserve of nutrients. Even the embryo has
                                           not developed fully, and so orchid seeds
                                             need very special conditions to germi-
                                                   nate. But this is no disadvanta-
                                                    ge, because as many as 2
                                                     million seeds may be produ-
                                                      ced from a single orchid se-
                                                       edpod. 32

                                                              When plants like the
                                                              snapdragon (above
                                                              left) and the poppy,
                                                              whose seedpod is
                                                              shown in cross-sec-
                                                              tion above, are shaken
                                                              by the wind, they dis-
                                                              perse thousands of
                                                              seeds. The picture to
                                                              the left shows the flow-
                                                              ers of the poppy.
                    Fluffy Seeds

                    Just like the seeds with parachutes, fluffy seeds do not fall straight
                to the ground. Clematis, for example, waits for the wind to make their
                mother plant sway and carry the seeds away. Plants like pampas grass
                with their long, feathery plumes wave in the wind like flags, letting
                their seeds be carried far by the wind. 33
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