Page 72 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 72
The coconut disperses its rather large seeds by
water. The size of the seeds determines the
amount of nutrients reserved for the ensuing
tects the seed from the harmful effects of water. One of the coconut’s
most interesting features is the air spaces and corky floats that keep it
afloat, enabling it to travel thousands of kilometers on oceanic cur-
rents. When it reaches the shore at high tide, it lodges in the sand, the
seed within germinates and grows into a new coconut tree. 34
Coconut is most successful at dispersing its seed by ocean cur-
rents. What essentially prevents coconut from sinking is its fiber float,
where air gets trapped between the fibers. In addition, its outer shell is
smooth, polished and waterproof, characteristics that enable it to re-
main at sea for months. 35
Another of the seeds traveling in tropical latitudes is one of the
large legumes, the sea-bean, whose seeds are not as big as those of the
coconut and only use rivers for transportation. Their very thick and
waterproof outer shells and great longevity make them a most success-