Page 211 - Evrim Açmazı 1. Cilt
P. 211
22 Medical Tribune, 29 December 1988, s.1, 23 40 “Is This The Face of Our Past”, Discover,
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24 Derek A. Ager, “The Nature of the Fossil November 1980, Part 4, s.15
Record”, Proceedings of the British Geological 42 Colin Patterson, Harper’s, February 1984,
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25 Mark Czarnecki, “The Revival of the 43 Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe:
Creationist Crusade”, MacLean’s, 19 Where Darwin Went Wrong, New York:
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Where Darwin Went Wrong, Tichnor and ss.30-31
Fields, New Haven, 1982, s.40 45 Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution
27 S.J. Gould, “Evolution’s Erratic Pace”, Mystery, London: Sphere Books, 1984, s.230
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28 S.J. Gould & N. Eldredge, Paleobiology, Vol New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, ss.
3, 1977, s.147 75-94
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February 1979, vol 67, Grounds for Doubt”, Nature, vol 258, s.389
30 Nature, vol 382, 1 August 1996, s.401 48 Isabelle Bourdial, "Adieu Lucy", Science
31 Carl O. Dunbar, Historical Geology, New et Vie, Mayıs 1999, no. 980, s. 52-62
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32 L.D. Martin, J.D. Stewart, K.N. Whetstone, odds.htm
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33 Pat Shipman, “Birds do it... Did dia/08dna02.htm
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34 “Old Bird”, Discover, 21 March 1997 52 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim,
35 “Old Bird”, Discover, 21 March 1997 Ankara, Meteksan Yayınları, s.79
36 Pat Shipman, “Birds Do It... Did 53 Gerald T. Todd, “Evolution of the Lung
Dinosaurs?”, New Scientist, 1 February and the Origin of Bony Fishes: A Casual
1997, s.28 Relationship”, American Zoologist, vol 26,
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Late Triassic Archosaur, Science, 23 Haziran 54 National Geographic, “Balinaların Evrimi”,
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38 S.J. Gould & N. Eldredge, Paleobiology, Vol 55 (;
3, 1977, s.147 Ashby L. Camp, “The Overselling of Whale
39 “Forensic palaeontology: The Evolution”, Creation Matters, May/June
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Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)