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               168 Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of  Press, 1982, ss.45-46
                 Evolution, 1902, II. Bölüm        185 S. M.,Stanley, The New Evolutionary
               169 John Maynard Smith, The Evolution of  Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of
                 Behavior, Scientific American, December  Species, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, N.Y.,
                 1978, vol 239, no.3, s.176         1981, s.71
               170 Pat Shipman, “Birds Do It... Did  186 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim,
                 Dinosaurs?”, s.28                  Ankara, Meteksan Yayınları, 1984, s.8
               171 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Temel  187 Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Dinozorların Sessiz
                 Kuralları, Genel Biyoloji/Genel Zooloji,  Gecesi 2, Alan Yayıncılık, Kasım 1996,
                 Cilt-I, Kısım-I, Ankara, 1993, s. 627  ‹stanbul, Çev: Veysel Atayman, s.60-61
               172(  188 Richard Dickerson, “Chemical
                 atmacasi/aldatmaca/evrim16.html)   Evolution”, Scientific American, vol 239:3,
               173 “Piltdown”, Meydan Larousse, Cilt 10,  1978, s.74
                 s.133                             189Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin of
               174 Bilim ve Yaflam Ansiklopedisi, Geliflim  Life, California, 1979, s.25
                 Yayınları, ‹stanbul, 1976, s.4    190 Richard B. Bliss & Gary E. Parker, Origin
               175 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Temel  of Life, California, 1979, s.25
                 Kuralları, Genel Biyoloji/Genel Zooloji,  191 S. W. Fox, K. Harada, G. Kramptiz, G.
                 Cilt-I, Kısım-I, Ankara, 1993, s.629-630  Mueller, “Chemical Origin of Cells”,
               176 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Temel  Chemical Engineering News, June 22, 1970,
                 Kuralları, Genel Biyoloji/Genel Zooloji,  s.80
                 Cilt-I, Kısım-I, Ankara, 1993, s.629  192 Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New
               177 R. Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection,  York: Pantheon Books, 1983, s.197
                 MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991, s. 45  193 Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology,
               178 Pierre Grassé, Evolution of Living  2nd Edition, Sunderland, MA: Sinauer,
                 Organisms, New York, Academic Press,  1986, s.3
                 1977, s.82                        194 K. Ludmerer, Eugenics, In: Encyclopedia of
               179 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s.  Bioethics, Edited by Mark Lappe, The Free
                 172, 280                           Press, New York, 1978, s.457;
               180 David Day, Vanished Species, Gallery
                 Books, New York, 1989             195 Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An
               181 T. N. George, “Fossils in Evolutionary  Appeal to Reason, Harvard Common Press,
                 Perspective”, Science Progress, vol 48,  New York: 1971, s.33
                 January 1960, s.1, 3              196
               182 N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall, The Myths of  atmacasi/aldatmaca/evrim16.html
                 Human Evolution, Columbia University  197Stephan Jay Gould, “The Return of
                 Press, 1982, s.59                  Hopeful Monsters”, Natural History, vol 86,
               183 Science, July 17, 1981, s.289    June-July 1977, s.28
               184 N. Eldredge, and I. Tattersall, The Myths of  198 G. Stein, Biological science and the roots
                 Human Evolution, Columbia University  of Nazism, American Scientist, vol 76(1),

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