Page 100 - The Dark Clan
P. 100
The Dark Clan
On the Day of Judgment everyone will come to God's
presence alone, just as when he was first created, and account
for every deed in his life. God has commanded mankind,
through His messengers to fear only Him, to beware of Him
and to obey His messengers. It is God's order not to follow
the conspirators of evil and corruption. In the Qur'an the
prophet Salih addresses his people:
So have fear of God and obey me. Do not obey
the orders of the profligate, those who corrupt
the earth and do not put things right. (Qur'an,
26: 150-152)
In other verses connected to this, it is also revealed that
the corruptors are deeply divided between themselves. The
disbelievers who appeared to be supporting one another in
their worldly lives, will be blaming one another when they
see the great punishment awaiting them. The Day of
Judgment is where the clan's solidarity will be no more. God
reveals their circumstances on that Day in the following
verses of the Qur'an:
Those who disbelieve say, "We will never believe
in this Qur'an, nor in what came before it." If
only you could see when the wrongdoers, stand-
ing in the presence of their Lord, cast accusa-
tions back and forth at one another! Those
deemed weak will say to those deemed great,
"Were it not for you, we would have been believ-
ers!" Those deemed great will say to those
deemed weak, "Did we debar you from the guid-
ance when it came to you? No, it is you who were
evildoers." Those deemed weak will say to those
deemed great, "No, it was your scheming night
and day when you commanded us to reject God