Page 36 - The Dark Clan
P. 36


                                          The Dark Clan

                 brows when it was first published. The author had been in
                 business for many years but eventually became disillusioned
                 by the clan's immorality and withdrew to lead a simpler life.
                 He writes about the things which needed to be done to be-
                 come a successful businessman in the clan. Obviously, it
                 would be wrong to judge every businessman by the informa-
                 tion contained in this book, there are many businessmen who
                 have become very successful in their own spheres, without

                 compromising on honesty and ethics. By the same token,
                 however, there exists an interest group that would prefer the
                 immoral practices mentioned in that book to become com-
                 mon practice.
                      The business environment described in  To  AYoung
                 Businessman is a smaller scale model of the system envisaged
                 by the dark clan. According to the book, the first thing a busi-

                 nessman must do is to sell his soul and silence his conscience:
                      Sell your soul. Do it straight away and be rid of
                      it. Where and how? Don't worry, the mar-
                      ketplace will find you and the rest is
                      easy enough. 8
                      Conscience; you will cross
                      oceans but get stuck in your
                      conscience and become food
                      for psychiatrists; you'll seek
                      refuge in Indian philoso-
                      phies and travel to distant
                      lands. You will do charity
                      like building schools and
                      hospitals…. No. No. No. But
                      don't be afraid and persist. In time,
                      you will learn to cheat your con-
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