Page 37 - The Dark Clan
P. 37
The Domain Of The Dark Clan
science… That's how the mantra of the businessman
goes who is trying in reality to convince his own con-
Conscience. The conscience, which sees what others
don't, a pair of eyes in your heart. Don't think on the day
you sold your soul you are also rid of your conscience.
You must slowly and bit by bit strangle your conscience
as you would strangle a puppy... 9
But why would a businessman of the dark clan have
to sell his soul and murder his conscience? Because the
dark clan's world of business only requires deceit, fraud,
ruthlessness and selfishness. Here are some of the charac-
ter traits described in the same book:
You must be a liar and twofaced. In order to make others
believe the contrary you must first convince yourself. A
businessman playing to the top must sell his soul irrevo-
cably. 10
Envy is a first class emo-
tion like aggression, lust
or pride…. Make it one
of your most trusted.
Feed it, nurture it. Don't
become estranged to
aggression, ambition
and envy because it's
these emotions that
drive your career.
Distance yourself from
gentle feelings like com-
passion, love, and long-
ing. 11