Page 43 - The Dark Clan
P. 43
t has been established that the dark
clan's system is antireligious and
I I aims to eliminate religious morality
from society. Particular targets are the
monotheistic religions like Islam, Judaism,
and Christianity, even though Christianity
and Judaism have been tampered with
since the time of their original revelations.
Religions like Buddhism, Hinduism and
karma-based atheist and pagan religions
on the other hand, are not opposed by the
clan. On the contrary, their proliferation is
encouraged due to their lack of spiritual
authenticity, having more in common with
philosophy than genuine religion.
These far eastern religions (also New
Age and UFO cults etc.) are insufficient as
an underpinning for the entirety of the
clan's world-view. A more comprehen-
sive system is required as the basis for the
way of life they wish to promote. In real-
ity most members of the clan are indiffer-
ent to philosophical topics such as these,
in fact, they are ignorant in many respects