Page 44 - The Dark Clan
P. 44
The Dark Clan
and simply pursue a life that revolves around money, sex and
entertainment. However, the theorists of the clan are fully
aware of the importance of providing a world-view that ac-
commodates the activities of its more ignorant members as
well as its more far-reaching purposes. Darwinism and its
off-shoot, social Darwinism, form the basis for this world-
view. Social Darwinism is the theory of evolution applied to
the social sciences. The fact that there is no scientific value in
Darwinism has been extensively examined in our other
books. Here are some of this theory's unfounded claims:
1- Life on earth is the result of a totally accidental evolu-
tionary process and therefore has no purpose.
2- The only true rule in life is "the survival of the fittest".
The only way to succeed in the struggle for survival is to be
selfish and ruthless.
3- Man too is an animal species and he is subject to the
same biological constraints. In other words, the law of the
jungle applies to man as well as beast.
Despite the fact that no supporting evidence ever
emerged after Darwin made his deranged claims, they never-
theless gained widespread acceptance, the reason being that
the prevalent anti-religious sentiment of that time had found
an ideological basis in Darwin's theory. Imperialist Britain
needed a justification for her colonial activities and found
this in Darwinist terminology such as "the struggle for sur-
vival in the international arena" and "more advanced races on
the ladder of evolution".
Darwinism claims that life is a coincidental product of evolutionary processes. As
an ideology it suggests that conflict, bloodshed, aggression and the suppression of
the weak is the law of nature. With this perverse logic, Darwinism has caused many
tragedies in history.