Page 49 - The Dark Clan
P. 49


                              Social Darwinism And The Dark Clan

                 argument almost always based on Darwinism. One of the
                 most fervent and famous Darwinists is the English zoologist
                 and author Richard Dawkins, an atheist whose books are an
                 example of this viewpoint. He has become the best-known
                 defender of the theory of evolution. He claims that selfish
                 genes rule all life on earth and that egotism is the primary
                 principle of natural law. In his Selfish Gene, Dawkins ex-
                 presses his irrational views thus:

                     The argument of this book is that we, and all other animals,
                     are machines created by our genes. Like successful Chicago
                     gangsters our genes have survived, in some cases for mil-
                     lions of years in a highly competitive world. This entitles us
                     to expect certain qualities
                     in our genes. I shall argue
                     that a predominant qual-
                     ity to be expected in a
                     successful gene is ruth-
                     less selfishness. 13
                     It is not hard to imagine
                 what kind of societal model
                 will be produced by a philos-

                 ophy that believes man to be
                 a merciless, selfish machine,
                 comparable to Chicago gang-
                 sters. In reality, Dawkins and
                 other Darwinists are prepar-
                 ing the ground for social con-

                   To the famous Darwinist Richard
             Dawkins, humans are machines ruled by
             selfish genes. This perverse claim forms
              the basic principle of the social system
                        advocated by the dark clan
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