Page 54 - The Dark Clan
P. 54


                                          The Dark Clan

                      Suddenly, the morning of a gloomy day in December, I
                      found in the skull of a brigand a very long series of atavis-
                      tic anomalies… The problem of the nature and of the origin
                      of the criminal seemed to me resolved; the characters of
                      primitive men and of inferior animals must be reproduced
                      in our times. 16
                      Lombroso and his assistants also claimed that longer
                 arms, a narrow and setback forehead, big ears, a thick skull
                 and a big protruding chin are the basic physical characteris-

                 tics of the born criminal. They further claimed that tattoos
                 originated in and belonged to tribal Africa, and therefore that
                 people who have tattoos are some sort of human primate,
                 and that therefore it should be perceived as normal that they
                 are more inclined to commit crimes. Thus, it became justifi-
                 able for people with tattoos to commit crimes.

                      This crude method of determining guilt by examining
                 skulls, measuring the length of arms, and searching the bod-
                 ies for tattoos was an error of the era's primitive scientific
                 standards and was abandoned as times moved on. Yet even
                 today, evolutionary scientists are continuing to defend simi-
                 lar theories albeit they are presented in a more "scientific"
                 fashion. According to them crime is not the result of a devia-

                 tion from the natural self but an act of the so-called evolu-
                 tionary nature of man.


                                      B BABY MURDERS
                          ne of the Darwinists whose comments stand out in
                          this respect is Steven Pinker. He is best known for
                 O his books on human consciousness, or to be more
                 precise, books which try to explain the mind on the basis of
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