Page 52 - The Dark Clan
P. 52
The Dark Clan
generosity and friendship – in other words, from living by
the values of religion. Our Lord reveals this truth in the
So set your face firmly towards the Religion, as a
pure natural believer, God's natural pattern on
which He made mankind… (Qur'an, 30: 30)
Another aspect of the irrational logic of Darwinism re-
veals itself in its rationale as to what actually constitutes
crime. One of the first advocates of the view that crime is ge-
netic and one of the founders of criminal anthropology, was
evolutionist Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909). His views, which
were later taken up and defended by many other evolution-
ary scientists as a justification for crime, accelerated the
process of social degeneration (Some evolutionists claim that
Lombroso's views were never widely accepted but it is a fact
that in today's scientific community, terms coined by
Lombroso such as "guilty genes" and "guilty chromosomes"
are commonly used and his views, slightly modified, are still
in circulation. Some Darwinists openly admit this. ).
According to Lombroso's totally unscientific claim, peo-
ple who had committed crimes had in reality not done so, be-
cause they had only acted according to their nature as people
who had been left behind in the evolutionary race. Therefore,
it was only natural for them to commit crimes and this factor
should be taken into consideration in the process of prosecu-
tion and sentencing. How Lombroso came up with this the-
ory of "guilt by birth" is truly worth noting for its lack of
scientific credentials:
Cesare Lombroso, acknowledged to be the founder of criminal anthropology, claims
that criminals are people who are behind in the evolutionary process and that it is
therefore natural for them to commit crimes. This unscientific claim by Lombroso,
with some modifications, is still being defended by some evolutionists.