Page 50 - The Dark Clan
P. 50
The Dark Clan
flict and legalised crime by means of various media, sending
out messages disguised as scientific truths in order to impose
this world-view upon the masses. When Dawkins says that
we are survival machines; robots programmed to protect our
selfish genes, he justifies every kind of rape and violence.
Phillip Johnson, one of the foremost opponents of
Darwinism, says:
The logic implies that it may be only natural for robot vehi-
cles to murder, rape or enslave other robots to satisfy their
genetic masters. 14
The reality of this matter is that the logic advocated by
Dawkins and the other Darwinists is no different to the unholy
beliefs of primitive pagan clans. Primitive pagans worshipped
idols and totems they had made with their own hands in the
belief that man owed their existence to them, and fought wars
and shed blood to please these "gods". The modern Darwinist –
or the theorists of the dark clan – believe that genes, themselves
a product of a series of coincidences for which one must fight,
are responsible for man's creation. In short, the age-old pagan
folly, ignorance and violence lives on; from the totemic clans of
thousands of years ago to today's Darwinist dark clan….
In reality, God has created man from nothing and re-
quires from him not to be selfish and violent. On the contrary,
God taught man through His religion to be ethical, generous,
compassionate, and peaceful. The creator and ruler of hu-
mankind is neither an idol, nor a totem nor an unaware mass
of matter such as the genes. The Lord of the universe, God
Who determines the fate and controls every moment of
man's life, has created humankind. However, the clan ig-
nores this fact or rejects it blindly.